Ulysses 18
Ulysses 18

The new episode name is followed by the Homeric title and the first few words of the episode.ġ – Telemachus – “Stately, plump Buck Mulligan”ģ – Proteus – “Ineluctable modality of the visible”ĥ – Lotus Eaters – “By lorries along Sir John Rogerson’s”ħ – Aeolus – “IN THE HEART OF THE HIBERNIAN”Ĩ – Lestrygonians – “Pineapple rock. Here is a proposed new naming convention for the 18 episodes of Ulysses.

ulysses 18

But I am pretty sure that “Ulysses 5” comes before “Ulysses 10” and that neither opens or closes the book. Why not just refer to the episodes by number?ĭoes “Lotus Eaters” come early in the novel? Is it before or after “Wandering Rocks”? As an untutored Joyce reader, I have no idea. For clarification purposes: yes, Ulysses is a novel, but the character John O’Connell was based on the real John O’Connell, the superintendent of Dublin’s Glasnevin.

ulysses 18

Bonhams described the watch as a tangible item from the pages of one of the most famous books of modern times. Wouldn’t discussion of Ulysses between all manner of readers be enhanced if everyone used a simpler, more intuitive naming scheme for the episodes, rather than one that requires specialized knowledge and memorization? The book has 18 episodes that can be detected on the printed page by page breaks and capitalization. The 18-carat gold watch and chain could fetch £80,000. But these names do not appear in the novel itself and are, therefore, useless Greek to the average reader encountering the novel for the first time. Den er elsket af de læsere der har brugt den fornødne tid til at forstå den. A title schema drawn from Homer’s Odyssey has long stood in for this deficiency, at least for those who have studied Ulysses. Ulysses kan, på grund af mange uforståelige ord og sætninger, forekomme svær at læse, men den har også mange letforståelige afsnit med erotik, slang og gadeliv. Aside from three Book divisions clearly marked with I, II, and III, Joyce’s pages do not give the reader any way of naming a particular episode. One of the many unconventional features of Joyce’s entirely unconventional Ulysses is the lack of chapter numbers or titles.

Ulysses 18